What We Do

As Behavioral IntelligenceExperts we provide our clients with the tools and coaching to consistently be their Personal Best as Peak Performers in Business, Education, Sports.  

We focus on goals, decision making, action and accountability for improved performance and productivity and certify instructors to use Behavioral Intelligence™ and The STARR Process™ .

How do we do what we do?

We coach clients to use STARR (Stop, Think, Assess, Respond, Review), The innovative and proven process for building Behavioral IntelligenceSkills. 

As part of the STARR Process we identify intention, evaluate strengths and vulnerabilities, develop more refined people and decision making skills, activate responses that achieve success, provide for review, reflection and refinement of choices and behavior.  STARR is a process that creates new thinking and new emotional  and behavior patterns and habits that lead to success more often.


We help clients:

Crystallize Strategic Goals: If you don’t know what you want, you can become complacent or wander.

Hire Right the First Time:  Using an assessment based system we help clients select, develop and retain the right people for their organization.  The right people in the right positions doing the right things at the right time create winning teams.

Improve Productivity and the Bottom Line: People who trust each other, have common  goals, whose behavior comes from their personal motivators, and learn to play well together, will win and enjoy themselves while doing it.

Develop Resilience in a Relentless World – When the world continues to accelerate at a pace that outstrips human adaptation we must be able to interrupt the frenzy.  Resilience and flexibility can be restored with a variety of techniques and skills suitable for individuals, teams and organizations.

Develop Mental Toughness – Whether in the Board Room or the Locker Room, the Mental Game accounts for 95% of success.


You can start your Behavioral Intelligence development by contacting us today.