Behavioral Intelligence® at Work® Webinars Redux

      Thank you to all of you who attended the October and November Behavioral  Intelligence® at Work® webinar   and thank you to Odyssey  and Price & Associates for sponsoring the programs.  Both Imelda Butler and Ron Price have been cheerleaders and sounding boards as Behavioral Intelligence has grown  in substance and skills and process and outcomes.

The BI webinars were well-attended and successful as evidenced by comments such as “there is more to this than I thought, it’s more than an idea about behavior,” “I like the structure and discipline about how to change & improve on outcomes” and from another

I must say that I was a little skeptical that Behavioral Intelligence is in fact different than Emotional Intelligence but came out of the session feeling like although correlated constructs, BI does not only likely stand on its own but is probably more actionable and useful in the workplace (and maybe personal life too).


…(My friend and I)agreed that if more people understood how to develop their behavioral intelligence and use the STARR method the world be a much better place. As a high I, it is natural for me to struggle with being compulsive. Practicing and “building my behavioral muscle” and using the principles you spoke about will undoubtedly go a long way into helping me be more productive in my behaviors.

Some of the memorable phrases from the program are Behavioral Intelligence is defined as “Doing What’s Right to Get the Right Things Done”and is developed by the STARR Process™(Stop, Think, Assess, Respond, Review) which helps you build Behavioral Muscle and have an improved ROE (Return on Effort) as well as ROI.  As Behavioral Intelligence increases individuals, teams and organizations are more engaged and can drive for better outcomes with purpose and less stress. 

Does this sound easy?  I like acronyms and other memory short cuts so the process for developing Behavioral Intelligence is simple, but the execution of the process can be a challenge because of the unseen and often unknown factors affecting decision making and performance.  Lasting change (improving Behavioral Intelligence) does not happen overnight and, as with learning any skill, requires repetition and practice and support over time.

With all of this in mind and knowing how earnest so many are to make real change, plans for a 10 week Behavioral Intelligence Development course beginning in February are underway.  Keep watching for information or contact us notifying us of your interest.





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