2021 – a STARR year.

We’re 12 days into 2021 – it seems like 12 months as the level of political and health related news and activity streams non-stop. With so much external chatter and confusion, how do we find personal peace, stay on our prescribed paths and act from personal internal values rather than succum
b to aS_STARR crowd effect?

It’s been a long while since I’ve posted but during these few years, STARR for Behavioral Intelligence® has proved its viability as a skill set for sustainable behavior change, including personal responsibility and self management.

With all that has recently transpired and is still underway,  may I suggest that you take the time, at least once daily,  to

Stop – interrupt yourself along the way with breathing into the present moment. Relax your body, relax your mind.

Think  – about What you are doing and Why you are Doing it.  What is your purpose?

Assess yourself, others around you and the situations you’re in so you ca make good decisions about aligning your behavior with your goals

Respond thoughtfully, intentionally with kindness rather than reactively.  At the end of the day you can

Review, Reflect  on your actions to determine if and how they moved you closer to your goals. Refine your behavioral options so you can be increasingly effective next time.

For those of you who know me, I find writing crystallizes idea, organizes thinking and enhances learning. I prefer paper to tablet but either will do.  Open  your journal, find a piece of paper, use anything that that is convenient but write comments for each of these steps. Plan ahead, review, reflect, refine to help you and those around you through the murky present. 

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